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Peter David. Q-Squared.
(Star Trek - The Next Generation) N.Y.: Pocket Books, 1994

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I ... am Q ... and you have absolutely no idea how screwed up this is." [p. 44]

"I want to understand."

"Understand what?"

"Everything," said the boy.

"Everything?" The adult was momentarily taken aback. Perhaps the boy did not quite grasp the entirety, the breadth, of what he was saying. "Everything as in ...?"

"Everything as in everything," said the boy firmly. And there was something in his voice that the elder noticed for the first time. A hint of stubbornness, a taste of intransigence.

"Everything," echoed the adult once more, studying the child as he would a microbe. "Very well, then ... everything it is."

"And what shall we do after we understand everything?"

The adult did not hesitate. "Die, most likely." [p. 2]


This is a book only Peter David could have written. A book that plays on reality like on an orchestra; introducing themes, mixing them, finding combinations, turning everything up and down, doing all of this at the same time, doing it in an extraordinary and crazy way, super-exceeding any dramaturgical scheme. Why? Trelane meets Q. Is there any other explanation needed?

There is just one problem: One has to know a lot about Star Trek, Classic and TNG. Otherwise it probably wouldn't be that much fun. So watch CL's 'The Squire of Gothos' and 'Where No Man Has Gone Before' as well as TNG's 'Encounter at Farpoint' and 'Yesterday's Enterprise'. That should be sufficient for a newcomer, but that doesn't mean that reading the book would be easy in any way - this is not a book that's plainly written, with plots and characters acting in a two- or three-dimensional way, this book takes the reader through time and space, backwards, forwards, creating variations and variations of variations. A book that reveals the way reality could be seen like: An endless stream of possibilities.

And one really has absolutely no idea how screwed up this is.

June 14th, 1998