Series 6: Spirit

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Spirit, part of "air", hovers above creation like the sky, but it is a less concretely graspable element, it is rather abstract, ideal, hard to catch and difficult to show. Nevertheless, my aim is to capture this element in a photographic sense, seeing it mostly as a kind of connotation belonging to a specific picture, seeing it as a way of interpreting a situation.

Spirit can be different things, of course, it can be this inconcrete attribute we mean when we call somebody a "spirited" person. It can also be the Spirit in the religious sense, the Holy Spirit, Brahman, atman, anima, transcendence; it can - more concretely - be the incarnation of this larger force into human manifestation, the "human spirit". But how to capture something invisible, something unexplained?

My method shall be to approach this element by showing situations where I see its consequences, where I see it being restricted or set free, see it guided or suppressed or ignored.

The series has been started in 2001, the pictures have been taken with a pretty ordinary camera, no fancy stuff.

June 14th, 2001